Feb 01, 2018 / Life
The Power Of A Quote
I’m a strong believer in the power of words. More specifically, I believe in the power of “the quote”.
Our culture is full of quotes. We consume them 140 characters at a time. They fill our news feeds and our TV screens every waking moment. There’s no shortage of inspiration around us.
Nobody ever sits around thinking “if only I could find some motivational words…”
One of the last things the world needs is a bunch more quotes…and maybe that’s the problem.
We consume words of inspiration and encouragement just like we inhale chips & salsa while we wait for our entre. We scroll right on through thousands of truly impactful words because we never take time to fully taste the flavor, the substance, and the meat of what we’re reading. (Anyone else getting hungry for Mexican at this point? ???)
I’m as guilty as anyone at this mass-consumption approach to reading quotes, and so I wanted to try and do something about it for myself and anyone else who’s in the same boat as me.
I want to provide one…1…a single…uno quote at a time along with a few thoughts. My plan is to share one quote per week.
I’d love for you to experience some of the quotes that have greatly impacted my life and do this in a way that gives you space to digest the nuggets of wisdom, encouragement, inspiration, healing, and hope.
If you want to follow along with these quoets, drop your email address in the form below. ? I’m excited for you to join in on this journey!